The Census Bureau recently released another infographic illustrating the census over time. For each decade it describes the changes in the way data was collected. You can click the image below to go to the Census Bureau page and pick up your own copy of this in pdf or txt form. [Source: U.S. Census Bureau]
Tag: Census
Memorial Day Infographic from our Friends at the Census Bureau
As genealogists, our work in documenting our family’s military record is part of our commitment and contribution to memorializing their life’s dedication and service to our country. Because of this, I figured genealogists reading this blog might be interested in the following infographic created by the Census Bureau. It gives an interesting background to some of the statistics behind each war. And if you want to download a PDF of it for your own records, you can do so by clicking here: Download Census Bureau Memorial Day Infographic. For those of you who might just be getting started in discovering your…
The US 1940 Census and My Elusive Daltons
Edit (4/25/2020): At the time of the original writing of this post, I had believed this to be one of my paternal ancestral lines based on research I had done. Since then, DNA testing has proven otherwise. However, I am leaving the post live for those who are researching this line. Original Post: The release of the US 1940 census is almost upon us – only 30 more days. And when that day finally arrives, and the records are thrown open, who will be the first person you seek? For me, it will be Joseph Dalton, one of the more…