Military History

Photo of US Soldiers During Korean War

Photo of guys in Army during the Korean War
Photo of soldiers in the Army in the Korean War.

I’m slowly going through the photos and other memorabilia that have been handed down to me from my relatives. Because some of the items could be of interest to others, I thought I would start posting a few to the blog. Today, I am posting a photo of the company my dad was in during the Korean War. I have tried to list the names that were on the back so they could be picked up by a search engine if their family is looking for them online. But not all were legible so I did the best I could. I also was not sure if all were listed, and the names don’t necessarily correspond to those in the photo. If you want a copy of the photo for your own family records, I have posted it on Flickr here:

The permissions are that you can use it for your own use, but you cannot sell it or use it for commercial purposes. If you recognize anyone, want to add a name not listed, or correct a name I have incorrectly transcribed, just email me at pbroviak at borowiakfamily dot com

(I wish I knew more about where the photo was taken, but my dad was in a few places during the war such as Ft. Leavenworth and Ft Worth so not sure where exactly this one was taken at.)

Names on back of this photo:

Eugene Fritschi NY

Norman Claypool Minn

Roy W. White OK

Wm Roberts IND

HW Dannhoff Minn

Len Banta Iowa

Johnny Uylda Calif

Frederick C Stokes Minn

Jescio Ushida Calif

Earl Anderson ND

Prit. Anthony Abahirez Texas

Norman Olsen

Ernie Rainy Mo

Ernest Filterman LA

Bob Martin

George Purccel Calif

Harold Peterson

“Dad” Powers Calif

Laverne Ca Hils ND

Frank A Cieva NJ

Percy DeRaven La

Mollanda Condrey Ark

Joseph J. Costio Calif

James D McGraw Ark

Vernonn D Breland M?

Harold ?

Dick Laing Calif

Clinton Lifrey Ga

James E Dewees IL

Carl Clymore Cal

Alfred Beulow NJ

Bob Maring Iowa

Fred G Loy Cal

Gordon McTarland Pa

Ernest E Williams

and of course, my father, Edwin “Lefty” Ochs Jr.

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